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Living for Jesus!

Website Redesign and Updates

Happy Saturday Y’All (8/28/21)

The Council Executive Board met August 7th.  One of the items under discussion was the council website.  The calendar was easily updated for the upcoming year so please check it out.  The Board agreed to add individual club meeting time/location information to the calendar.  Please send me your club’s meeting schedule so the calendar may be updated.

The Home page now welcomes visitors to the site.  Individual news items will be published under the “News” page.  I’ve started to update more event pages as well.  The SWRCC 2022 announcement has been posted.  I restored the “Links” page; so if you have any favorite “go-to” campsites or ministry pages you wish to promote, please send them along.  Also, I created a “History and Organization” page and will be updating that by adding more on the overall Cadet national organization, as well as the Southern CA Council.  Any fun facts about our council or noteworthy history to share?

The “Clubs” page has been restored and club information updated.  If you have pictures or announcements you wish to publish, please forward them to me so our council website may be as interactive and informative as possible.  The map still needs updating.

I will be asking each Head Counselor for help in “getting the word out“.  Advertising the Cadet ministry via the church’s website or newsletter.

In His Service,

Craig (webmaster)